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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Solar Electrification

IHFD intends to also utilize solar power to supply part of the power for its 10,000 unit housing development in the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan. 

IHFD is supplying a large communication company in Afghanistan with solar energy to power its cell towers in various parts of the country.

In cooperation with the US government, IHFD is providing the Afghan National Army with solar energy to power its guard shacks and security towers.

Through its Afghan based joint venture partner, QRTDW, IHFD has also installed numerous solar power systems for hospitals, clinics, schools and other public buildings.

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Solar Water Heaters

Through its joint venture partner, QRTDW, HFD has the capability to manufacture complete solar water heating systems. Numerous public, commercial and private buildings have been able to utilize this technology. Other users are the United Nations, the Afghan National Army and other private and governmental agencies. IHFD’s solar systems can be manufactured in various sizes and may be roof or floor mounted. They typically have capacities of 200 to 500 liters.


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Solar Water Pumping

IHFD is utilizing solar power to pump water from wells of more than 200 meters depth for drinking and irrigation purposes. Through the solar powered irrigation systems, IHFD is able to convert thousands of hectares of arid land into fertile agricultural land that contribute towards food security and employment opportunities in developing countries.





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Solar Cookers

Through its joint venture partner, QRTDW, IHFD has more than 15 years of experience introducing parabolic solar cookers in various parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Thousands of families have been able to benefit from this environmentally and socially friendly cooking stove. IHFD is presently disseminating this technology to the Afghan National Army in cooperation with the US Government.

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