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Wednesday, March 12, 2025
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Biogas Technology

Almost every rural household in the developing countries, including Afghanistan, maintains a few animals. The dung from these animals can be used to produce methane gas, also called biogas. Biogas is a high value fuel, which can be burnt with high efficiency. With regards to cooking, the efficiency is 3.5 times higher than that of fire wood. The production of biogas has important agricultural advantages as well. Digested dung or slurry can be used as an organic fertilizer to increase the crop yields. In cooperation with QRTDW, IHFD is able to construct dome type plants in eight different size (4, 8, 10, 15, 20, 35 and 50) cubic meters.

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Bicycle Pump

In rural parts of developing countries, where electricity and other forms of energy are rare commodities, IHFD’s joint venture partner, QRTDW, has developed a bicycle pump that is able to pump water from 5 meters depth to an elevation of 15 meters. The Bicycle pump provides water for residential and small commercial areas' facilities. It can be used to fill residential and small commercial water tanks or to water plants.

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Metal Products Manufacturing

Through its partnership with QRTDW, IHFD has access to a fully equipped metal manufacturing facility that allows it to manufacture various metal products such as doors, windows, small hand tools and machines. One of the products soon to be manufactured at this facility is the GreenMachine®, which is IHFD’s licensed 1-ton rugged compressed soil brick machine.

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