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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

  The GreenMachine®

A rugged, one-ton, mobile, self powered green machine that is used to manufacture more than 2,000 tongue and groove compressed soil bricks per day, called GeoBricks. The GreenMachine® is developed by TerraBuilt Corporation International of Middleburg, Virgina, USA, and licensed to IHFD for 8 countries of Central and South Asia.

IHFD's license includes the ability to manufacture the GreenMachine® in the target region.  Prsently IHFD is in the process of setting up a manufacturing facility to produce the GreenMachine® in Kabul, Afghanistan. Thus, IHFD will be able to make the machines affordable to local and regional population.


Also called TerraBricks®, GeoBricks are 10" x 8" x 4" tongue and groove compressed soil bricks that are used for environmentally sound, mortarless, stackable constructions of residential, commercial and public structures. IHFD has successfully introduced this technology in Afghanistan and plans to expand it to the neighboring countries.

GeoBricks are cheaper to manufacture than traditionally available kiln fired bricks, have higher compressive strength and a better absorption capacity, when mixed with about 8% cement.

GeoBricks use locally available raw material (soil) to make high class sustainable construction material, thus contributing towards environmental conservation and economic activity.
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