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Friday, February 28, 2025
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Cost Benefits of GeoBricks
  • One GeoBrick is equivalent in size to 3 kiln fired bricks
  • GeoBricks are cheaper to buy than equivalent sized first grade kiln fired bricks
  • GeoBricks do not require mortar to hold them together. Mortar comprises 30% of brick masonry costs.
  • GeoBricks do not require highly skilled masons to build. Unskilled labor with basic training can erect a wall.
  • Geo-Brick Walls are faster to erect. With a team of 2, the walls of a 100m2 hall can be built approximately in 2 days.
  • GeoBrick walls do not need to be plastered, because the consistent shape of the bricks ensures good presentation of the wall. They are complete wall systems for interior and exterior of the structure.
  • Because of lack of plastering, maintenance cost is also reduced.
  • Using the mobile GreenMachine® GeoBricks can be manufactured onsite, which eliminates brick transportation costs.
  • Because of onsite production, wastage due to transportation and handling is also eliminated.
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Quality Benefits of GeoBricks
  • With 8% cement content, GeoBricks have triple the compressive strength of kiln fired bricks
  • With no cement content, GeoBricks have twice the compressive strength of kiln fired bricks
  • A GeoBrick wall is able to deflect up to 11 cm in horizontal direction thus minimizing risks due to earthquakes, hurricane winds of up to 193 km/hr and other such natural hazards
  • GeoBricks have high insulation rating, superior to comparable construction material. As a result, inside GeoBrick structures are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter.
  • GeoBricks have less wastage due to the ability of the GreenMachine® to manufacture them onsite.
  • GeoBricks are strong enough that they do not allow small arms fire to penetrate.
  • GeoBricks are suitable for single and double story structures. Taller buildings require frame structures to withstand earthquake forces.


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Military Applications

GeoBricks were fired at from 23 meters with AK47 and the bullets did not penetrate. Resistance to small arms fire indicates significant benefits in military applications.  

The GreenMachine® can be used for:
  • Contingency/emergency construction for military structures
  • Force protection for U.S. troops, equipment and allies
  • Substitute for sandbags
  • Revetments, fortifications and retaining walls
  • Military civic action/nation building for schools, clinics, community buildings, farm buildings, and housing.


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GeoBricks Specifications
Brick Dimensions:                  101.6mm x 203mm x 254mm (h x w x l)
Tolerances:                            0.4 mm all sides
Brick Type:                            Tongue and Groove
Construction Method:              Dry-Stack w/o mortar
Compressive Strength:           158 kg/cm2 (2240 psi) with 8% cement
Modulus of Rupture:               12 kg/cm2 (170 psi) with 8% cement
Absorption:                           260 kg/m3 with 8% cement
Brick Weight:                        9 - 11 kg depending on soil density
Material:                               Sub soil mixed with 8% cement content
Number of GeoBricks per Cubic Meters:       110 Bricks
Wall coverage per square meters:                 39 bricks.


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Brick Structures


  • Compatible with traditional and alternative construction techniques, including roofing and framing systems

  • Superior energy efficieny due to thermal mass benefits
  • Excellent resistance to hurricane winds.
  • Fireproof, non-combustible and waterproof.
  • Bulletproof to small arms fire such as ak-47.
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GeoBricks Characteristics
  • Dimensional precision of 0.4 mm on all sides.
  • Made from 100% subsoil, or 92% subsoil and 8% cement for greater compressive strength of 158 kg/cm2 (2,240 psi).
  • Tongue and groove block design that allows for mortarless dry stack construction.
  • Tested at Kleinfelder Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico,  and found to exceed the Adobe compressive strength standard of 21 kg/cm2, and measured at 110 to 158 kg/cm2 depending on cement content.
  • Outperformed the Adobe wall standards for compression strength, modulus of rupture, lateral load and shear strength.
  • Thermal dynamic tests, conducted by the Oakridge National Laboratory Building Technology Center, show that a properly engineered GeoBrick wall significantly out performs an equivalent wood frame wall system because of inherent thermal mass benefit of a soil block wall.
  • GeoBrick housing resisted seismic tremors of 5 on the Richter scale of 1-10 without structural failure.
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